The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Bolivarian Republic

The tourism activity is declared of public utility and general interest and should be oriented to the improvement of the quality of life of the receiving communities. Tourism activity shall be subject to the provisions of this decree with rank and strength of organic law on tourism, which have character of public order. -SCOPE of application article 3rd. are subject to the provisions of this decree with rank and force of law of tourism, activities for tourism from the public and private sectors, aimed to foster, develop and promote the tourist activity, throughout the national territory.

The State will encourage and ensure the identification, recognition and valuation of the local culture in its various manifestations, thereby strengthening national identity. -TOURIST potential of the country article 4th. For the purposes of this decree with rank, value and strength of organic law of tourism the territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in its entirety, is considered potentially tourism, by their natural, social, physical, environmental and cultural attributes susceptible for the development of tourist activity, with treatment integral in its planning, promotion and marketing, inside and outside the national territorywhich must be geared to the benefit of the communities. -OF the principles article 5th. The different organs and bodies Public administration, within the scope of their competence, support to the Ministry of the Popular power with competition in tourism in the exercise of its powers, under the principles of cooperation, coordination and inter-agency information. Also, the Ministry of the Popular power with competence in tourism, will support the different organs and bodies of the public administration, and especially organized communities, councils and other forms of popular participation for the exercise of citizenship, encouraging stewardship and Comptrollership social. -NATIONAL tourist system article 6th.

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