The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Appreciation Data

It is classified as qualitative, because it has as proposal to collect and to examine individual particularitities and interpretations, being able to be useful in it searchs of a new concept of mensurao and evaluation of the Intellectual Capital (MENEZES, 2001 HISSES and). The research also is quantitative, therefore it is characterized for quantifying, to select opinions and attitudes of the interviewed ones, therefore it is used of structuralized instruments (questionnaires) representative in way that its data generate measured necessary (numerical) and trustworthy that allows to an analysis statistics being materialize in tables of percentages and graphs (BARROS and LEHFELD, 2000). 3,2 DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS In the intention to fulfill the objectives considered in this work was used a research through questionnaires for collection of data next to the chosen population. The research if developed in the following way: – Revision of literature; Choice of the population; Formularization of the questionnaire; Approval of the instrument of collection of data; Collection of data; Appreciation and interpretation of the data. First the research was carried through through revisions literary, with intention to get theoretical basement, therefore for IT HISSES, 2001, the bibliographical research search auxiliary science allowing to find sources in articles and books for the accomplishment of the scientific work. After, the population of the research that if characterized for to be composed of 15 controlling and average small proprietors and companies of different branches of activities, located in Porto Alegre was selected. In accordance with the authors FREITAS, OLIVEIRA, SACCOL and MOSCAROLA, 2000 consider that the sample if got for the criterion of the convenience, therefore, the participants had been chosen by being available. Soon, the questionnaire was elaborated, with intention to answer the specific objectives of the study. One sent 50 questionnaires, returning 15 filled, therefore, the sample is characterized as not probabilist, for not being possible to assure that she is representative of all the population; therefore we do not have the power to determine its dimension in order to prevent errors (REA; PARKER, 2002, P.

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