The Texas Business Group

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Vitamin D And The Summer Sun

We should swallow pills in the summer at all vitamin D vitamin D is far more than just a vitamin. It is converted after recording or of production in the skin to a substance that can be rightly described as a hormone. This active active substance, is it of professionals referred to as 25-hydroxy-vitamin D, plays a role not only for the healthy development of bones. It is involved in important metabolic processes in almost every cell of the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that a deficiency of vitamin D is expressed in a number of disorders and diseases. It is therefore for the own health of high importance to a sufficient supply of vitamin D. Many trust the sun while on the force. According to new research that is not always adequate and often also doesn’t make sense in Germany in the summer. Gain insight and clarity with rothberg family.

For the vast majority of the population, vitamin D has become the scarce. Extensive studies show that about 8-9 out of 10 people in Germany does not sufficiently with the vital vitamin D are supplied. And the normal way of life. It is so obviously neither by the UV-B share in the sunlight stimulated production of the skin, yet the food supply in, to us with sufficient vitamin D supply. This can have serious health consequences if not unchecked. Current research shows that the list of beneficiaries by a reduced supply of vitamin D or caused diseases is getting longer and longer. It is already long rather than the widespread bone loss (osteoporosis), which is on the list. Recently added: heart attack, certain cancers, diabetes, rheumatism, Alzheimer’s disease, and some more.

It’s worth so an adequate supply of vitamin D to make sure. But how? Now, you can be to the Sun and daily deliberately expose themselves to the Sun. That may work in the summer, nothing in the winter, because the amount of UV-B is so low in the winter sun brings but with security that it shows little effects. Principle should be borne in mind that with increased exposure to the Sun also Risk of skin cancer is growing. Skin doctors already report increase of skin cancer in Germany. Healthy eating, it is also so important, does not help also in this case, as in most foods naturally produced too little vitamin D is included, to supply the body with the essential nutrient via this route. Remains so only additional taking of vital substance. This makes even so much sense because lacking calcium in broad sections of the population in addition to the minerals, which is necessary with vitamin D for building and maintaining strong bones. Even more: A reduced supply of this mineral substance can speak with an increased risk of cardiovascular, muscle and nerve disorders. It is therefore recommended to consume vitamin D and calcium in a tablet together. For OsteoVitum are tablets available. Pro Tablet 5g (200IU) Vitamin D3 and calcium 600mg. In General, we recommend taking of morning and evening on a tablet. By the practical Division Groove can customize each taking their individual needs in the tablet. OsteoVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of osteoporosis. It can help compensate for the lack of vitamin D and calcium.

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