The Texas Business Group

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Three Large Savings

Second Usermeeting of Infincon AG, together with the savings bank of Krefeld and Pforzheim Calw, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe-Ettlingen, 23 July 2013 on 13 June 2013 was already for the second time a meeting of users of the consultation platform asset Navigator “by Infincon AG. This year, took over the Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw, the role of the host and invited together with Infincon for the exchange of experience and the further development strategy vote. “Made for a very positive mood, that the software asset Navigator” since all three savings banks as Institute a total solution for all segments of wealth with great success was used this year. According to our information, we are the only software solution that is successful as the real total solution to nationwide. Upscale private banking through affluent banking up to the retail sector all asset segments to be served by”, explains Dr. Michael Puhle, Member of the Board of Infincon AG and responsible for savings projects. For all other Institute solutions failed software providers both cost and functionalities.

We succeeded, although we have established in the market by far the youngest and only since 2010 in the savings bank sector are active. Therefore we are sure to be able to extend our lead in the future even more,”says Dr. Puhle. Another topic of the meeting was the desire of all three major savings banks as closely as possible on the financial concept of the Sparkasse Association refused to develop the asset Navigator. Here is Dr. Puhle insured for the Infincon AG, admitting still top priority this request, as it was instructed to offer a high degree of conformity with the requirements of the Association just as third party vendor in the savings bank sector to. In the upcoming release Infincon AG’s customers can enjoy including an automatic liquidity forecast and measure control at customer level and strategic portfolios including daily deviation analysis.

More projects for 2014 are one introducing Asset reporting, the full integration of the so-called topic sheets and automatic integration of recommendations of the research area in the action management of the asset Navigator. When the next user meeting in Krefeld, Germany we will find certainly a larger group of users”, says Dr. Puhle and is pleased about the positive development of the young software provider. For more information about the success story of Infincon AG and images from the user meeting at: about the company: the Infincon AG was founded in 2007 as the owner-managed company. With a team of software developers, and experts in the areas of financial advice, analysis and risk management of-mathematik has the company integrated consulting solutions with focus on specialized securities. Since the establishment of the Infincon AG consulting software also exported to Italy and Austria. In Italy, the company as a provider of private banking solution with automatic has Portfolio monitoring and asset reporting established as market leader. In the German savings bank sector, the Infincon AG has the first guidance system that integrates all the relevant OSPlus data in all segments of the assets of bulk business to the private banking is used with the asset Navigator (formerly CRIS) since 2010.

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