Third WELtec Biogas Plant In The Czech Republic Takes Operation In
In the Czech Republic market fu is currently experiencing a real boom? r renewable energies. Especially seasoned producers benefit from bio-gas plants like the WELtec BioPower GmbH, Vechta. WELtec BioPower in the summer of 2009 the order given, at the boathouse? h-Liberec mix with a bio-gas plant to build, a farmer and an investor corn, Gu? lle and silage is operated. The 1.2-million-euro facility, which started in January 2010 in operation, has two fermenters with each around 2500 cubic meters and two end bearing Assembly with each volume of 4000 cubic metres. In the CHP, a gas engines provides aggregate with 536 kilowatt performance fu? r greet? ne energy, the 1000 three person households supplied. Fu? r the construction of biogas plants in the Czech Republic, the EU and the Czech Government set targeted investment incentives.
The pressure to act, to reduce CO2 emissions, is great because of carbon dioxide emissions per capita in Czech chien in a worldwide comparison occupies a leading position. Voted on the EU climate protection goals 2010 ten per cent of energy from alternative sources has the Government made in the year generate. In early 2008 the ratio in the country was still at around four percent. A single power law fu? r decentrally produced O? food Rome has since 2005 thanks to gu? effectively conditions a rapid increase of electricity? tsproduktion from gru? ausgelo a source? St The Vergu? tungssa? are in period and Ho? fixed set: for 15 years are in Abha? independence of the used biomass 12.9 or 15.2 cents per kilowatt-hour to the Czech power Pro informal – ten paid. Unterstu? corrosive which affects in 2008 in the Czech Republic introduced? led O? your food from, the fossil mediums? ger becomes more expensive. Total ha? lt of Europe? European Fund fu? r environmental projects until 2013 fu? five billion euros.
In addition the program la? rural development, that from Europe? European Fund fu? r the development of the la? rural space is fed. It provides farmers a total of 250 million euros fu? r landwirt-economic diversification and alternative energy sources to the backend? gung. Scha? tzungsweise ko? tonnes in the Czech Republic such as 160 plants be co-financed. Operators of farms come on Investitionskos- tenzuschu? sse by up to 30 percent.