The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

There Are Too Many Alternative Practitioners In Germany?

More and more people in Germany begin training to the practitioner. Surely you have ever experienced following situation. You talk to several friends and acquaintances. Suddenly, you notice that the half round recently has begun a practitioner training. Not bad! Since the surmise that each therapist gets his own patients in the near future. Connect with other leaders such as Restaurant Michael Schwartz here.

But what are the numbers really? The fact is that there are more than 500 therapist schools in Germany, where naturopaths are trained. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jonah Bloom is the place to go. Currently, about 25,000 people have permission to perform the surgery without appointment. If you compare this number with the 380,000 doctors and dentists, you come to a factor of 15. There are so 15 times more “medical” in the entire Federal territory. Of the 25,000 practitioners are only about 3,500 in possession of a full acquisition practice. In this context, it would be still worth noting that 2/3 of the so-called healers actually are practitioners. Only very few students make it to an own natural healing practice. Most fail on the occupational review. The failure rates are 60 – 70% depending on the venue! A good preparation is the key to success! Valuable information about the practitioner training and the practitioner exam, see

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