The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

The Green Revolution

It is possible to minimize the negative impacts to the environment, being promoted themselves, in the way agricultural, the increase of the biodiversity of systems and adjusted use of ecological technologies, consolidating farming productive processes. It must be known that, while conventional agriculture is maximized entered of external energy in the system, through interventions for operations as: soluble, highly herbicidas arao, synthetic fertilizers? in the Agroecologia, the biological processes and the ecological interactions are maximized, such as: revolvimento of the ground for the fauna, direct plantation, minimum culture, biological recycling of nutrients for the use of leguminosas in culture rotation, trust, biological control. Not Sustainable Agricultural Current systems of Production. The great ghost of the foreseen world-wide hunger in the decade of 70 was, partially, surpassed had to the technological increments provided by the Green Revolution.

This model of production was and still it continues being the responsible one for the great increase of the food productivity and markdown of the foodstuffs, however, this Revolution, throughout the time, was puted in charge to present to the world serious negative consequences – being threatened the ecological, economic and social support of the populations of the planet. The Green Revolution has its two important missions: the maximizao of the productivity and the profit. It is with these objectives that our agriculture if supports. To reach such objectives it was necessary to create the technological package with agricultural techniques programmed and uniforms for all the agricultural regions of the world. This package included six practical basic ones: intensive culture of the ground, cultivation, irrigation, application of fertilizers, has controlled chemistry of plagues and agricultural illnesses and adventitious grass, genetic manipulation of cultivated plants. In modern agriculture (conventional) the plantation is considered a plant, has its efficiency improved with the genetic alteration; the ground is seen as a substratum by which the plant is anchored.

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