Science Business Informatics
DAIG is young people excellent opportunities to realize their individual interests and to promote their talents with the selection process for the training 2014 already started the Deutsche Annington offers real estate group. To the training start 01.08.2014 the DAIG provides again attractive training places! Apprenticeships – real estate management Assistant – IT-system clerk – specialist / – in application development – industrial clerk and dual studies – Bachelor of science facility management + real estate clerk – Bachelor of Science Business Informatics + IT-system/clerk – Bachelor of Science Business Informatics + specialist /-in the high demand for well-trained staff consists not only in the commercial sector. Therefore, the Deutsche Annington educates real estate group since 2013 in the craft. The German TGS is a joint venture of Deutsche Annington homes SE and the B & O service and measurement technology AG. The competence of the nationwide local service firms lies in the technical management of apartments and Buildings. As a rapidly growing company Deutsche TGS offers apprenticeships with perspective:-plant mechanic /-in specialising in plumbing, heating and air conditioning technology – electronics /-in with specialising in energy and building technology – tiles – plate and Mosaicists / – in – painter /-in student /-in with specialising in design and maintenance, the selection process begins each after the summer holidays in NRW. The Deutsche Annington the Deutsche Annington real estate Group heard about with around 210,000 leased and managed apartments to one of Germany’s leading apartment providers. The company offers its customers throughout Germany at around 550 sites homes for rent and for sale, supplemented with customer-oriented services.. Credit: Fairstead-2011.