It is sad to read a story in a newspaper, and here I refer to the letter from the American Journal. ! Death by lack of insurance! Annually due to lack of health insurance in Florida is in third place in the nation. Harvard University who conducted the study says that arrive annually to 45,000 deaths and that this figure corresponds to 3.925 cases in Florida. 5.302 and 4.675 Texas California, these are all people who die because they have no health insurance. The experts took into account socio-economic data, behavioral health and basic information of people without salud.Las or can not afford insurance physician does not receive the kind of care that may save their lives. The doctors raised in the study, there are many diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease, which are controlled if the patient can come to the consultation and pay for medicine 46.3 million people were uninsured in 2008. Please visit Dunbar Apartments if you seek more information. Today we are in 2009 that with the economic crisis must have aumentado.Despues reading this pregunto What do you think the politicians in this country. “