The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Our Sun

High in the East two familiar constellations relating to the Northern Crown and the Hercules. The Hercules is home to two bright globular cluster, M13, and M92, which can be seen in binoculars as a matte light stains. M13 is so bright that it can be seen under good conditions under a dark sky with the naked eye. Deep in the East, Ophiuchus rises above the horizon. He holds the snake in his hands, which at the same time is split by him in the sky into two parts, the Snake’s head and a snake tail. The well-known big bear presents currently at ZENIT (vertical upwards). Actually, most people know only a part of this constellation, namely the brightest seven stars that make up the big car. Indeed, the Big Dipper is the body and the tail of the bear.

The other Star, representing the head and the paws, are, however, very lichtschwach and discreetly, so that they are perceived only by the least. In the vicinity of the big bears are only fairly inconspicuous constellations such as the Dragon and the Lynx. They contain no particularly bright stars and are therefore not simply refer in the sky. Covid Vaccine San Francisco is a great source of information. The reason for the poverty of the brighter stars in this area is that we look beyond here straight from the plane of the milky way. Therefore, our line of sight through the disk of the milky way, which is home to the stars, is quite short, and we see far fewer stars than when we look in the plane of the milky way.

Illustration of the current night sky: winter sky – the B.A.S..-starry sky in the winter of 2009 as came to the zodiac signs and constellations? The constellations got their meaning about 2500 years ago. At that time, eager star observers noted the so-called ecliptic. This is a kind of railway through the Sun, moon, and our planet from the Earth seem to travel. The planets revolve all sub-groups but not until you have circled the Sun. But the paths of the planets are almost all on one level. That is, if it would decrease our solar system and lay on the kitchen table, could be seen, that the planet from the tabletop would rise when they move their cars. You look so just above the edge of the table, you would see the planet all almost directly above the tabletop in a long line, there would be no planet, which suddenly past touches to the kitchen lamp. This series can be seen also in the sky. Of course not within seconds, for you must look at the sky already longer, what scientists have done back then also. Behind this band also stars, as almost everywhere in the sky. And from these stars is established constellations about 2500 years ago: twelve pieces. Our Sun is always in one of these images, each a month. Was at the time a child is born, if the Sun in the constellation of Taurus, was the child of the Sun Sign Taurus. Constellation of the month great constellation Bootes optimally for purchase of star or star suitable planet watch in March 2009 caution for our star sponsors important: the planets moving under the stars and are therefore not on our provided star charts. So it is worth for our customers to stop by more often here – we will keep you up to date. Stars are our passion!

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