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Jobs Baden-Wurttemberg

The growing skills gap is to be closed by training jobs in Baden-Wurttemberg news from the German labour market in Baden-Wurttemberg. These are the plans by Minister of Economic Affairs Ernst Pfister, who called on businesses and citizens to to invest more in training. The education level”quoted Pfister as follows: in the year 2007 alone, 60,000 jobs due to lack of skilled workers could not be filled. Without this skills gap we had 2007 a Wertschopfungsplus of 3.5 billion and an additional economic growth by one percentage point in Baden-Wurttemberg.” The training is only one of several measures that would require it to combat the shortage. Other means may be improving the reconciliation of family and professional, providing enough training places and moving away from the folly of youth”in the companies.

The so-called informal vocational training”in the workplace, such as for example reading professional literature or instruction by colleagues and supervisors, is in Baden-Wurttemberg increasingly becoming a matter of course. “In the year 2007 71 of 100 workers participated in such informal work-related professional qualification activities compared to 65 per cent in 2003 and 68 per cent in the Federal cut, said Pfister training as a result of the study in Baden-Wurttemberg 2007″ by TNS (TaylorNelsonSofres) infratest Sozialforschung on behalf of Ministry of Economic Affairs. The vocational training courses and seminars, however, is low. Only 34 percent of the workforce in Baden-Wuerttemberg took part 2007 in a course or a seminar on vocational training”, so Pfister. This surprising because employers as a carrier of measures of vocational training are the most significant. Nearly two-thirds of all measures (65%) of the vocational training carried out according to the study by the employers as carriers. The job fairs offer current jobs in Baden-Wurttemberg stellenmarkt.

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