The Texas Business Group

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Infantry Division Front

But the attack on Sevastopol and Kiev was performed before and at sea the Germans began to sink our ships 12 o'clock at night. A five millionth on land army, who had to win almost all of Western Europe, fell upon the borders of the Soviet Union. Hitler and his generals were convinced that the Soviet Union zatreschit at the seams after their first attack. But Hitler did not take into account the strength and nature of the Soviet people, who, despite the fact that the front has left five million workers the most robust, did not reduce production of the required country of production, and even increased it. From the first hours of war, the Soviet soldiers have committed hundreds of the immortal feats. Not fulfilled the hopes and the Nazis that the Soviet people, especially the peoples of the Caucasus will be happy beginning of the war against the USSR.

But the peoples of the Caucasus up to defend the homeland. In all cities, villages auls and rallies people expressed their readiness to go to the front. In the short term have been established volunteer Don and Kuban Cavalry Corps, Kabardino-Balkaria Cavalry Division, three Stavropol Cavalry Division, jib divisions and brigades in Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia and North Ossetia. To defend the homeland were not only men but also women. A typical example of this – an elderly resident of a solution of Sukhumi Michael Adleiba. He gathered his family and said: "In our country was attacked by the Nazis.

Of all the neighboring houses someone goes to the front. Unfortunately, we were with the mother God gave his son, and I'm too old to take a gun in his hands. I think, my dear daughter, that the eldest of you, our beloved Maqbool, we should go to war. " Maqbool and went into the army. Michael Adleiba, accompanying her daughter to fight, fight bravely told her not to disgrace the family name Adleiba. As part of the 151st Infantry Division was to Maqbool Austria, where she met the victory. She performed mandate father, who bravely fought and returned home after the war with the Order of the Patriotic War and the Red Star. About who defeated Nazi Germany, say the specific facts and figures. On Soviet-German front, the Germans and their allies lost 10 million dead soldiers and officers, 77 thousand and 48 thousand aircraft tanks. The Soviet army in combat with the Germans and their allies lost about 10 million soldiers and officers, United Kingdom – about a half million, while the U.S. is about 300 thousand. And we took Berlin, and not someone else, and certainly not Americans.

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