The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.


The SUS affirms the city as space of practical actions and of health. More than what a formal fulfilment that is considered in the Constitution, will be necessary to integrate the sanitary monitoring with the excessively practical ones come back to the health of the population. Municipalizar the actions of sanitary monitoring means to adopt politics with the purpose of operacionalizar it with financing bases, human resources and infrastructure. To the State the paper competes to articulate the cities and regions to all guarantee the minimum uniformity of the actions of the city in practical of supervision and the quality control of the health services. A stage of the process of decentralization of the actions of health is the municipalizao of the sanitary monitoring, what it constitutes an important subsidy for the planning, management and quality of the services of assistance to the health, guarantee of the ambient and occupational health, quality control of products and the life of the population. It has that to consider the complexity of the actions of monitoring, what the greater or minor depends on degree of execution difficulty. The Brazilian cities present distinct modalities of organization and public administration in virtue of the different regional realities. The management conditions that if qualify the cities define the actions of sanitary monitoring that will be assumed.

It is important that the city has control of all the developed actions, independent of complexity and pactuao or not with the State for the local attainment of answers effective to the sanitary profile and demands. It is under responsibility of the city, to define the actions that it will go to implement and the ones that will be shared or complemented for the State, in accordance with its financial possibilities, human resources and material, and according to sanitary picture existing. The planning activity of the actions of sanitary monitoring part of the recognition of the geographic area of abrangncia, mapping of the local problems and election of priorities on the basis of information sources as: denunciations, questionnaires, reports, census of establishments.

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