Chief Service
Companies are still with the schema that the contributor works for the Chief, not the client.And each Department works in isolation, without understanding the common purpose, serve the customer by exceeding their expectations. But the competition has been waking up to the companies.Customers began to require products and/or services of quality, delivery times shorter, new payment options and other values that led companies to evolve with new alternatives to satisfy the customer current processes then should focus towards the customer. Change current processes required if to remember that these are valid only if they accept a critical analysis of improvement. The objective is the customer, therefore managers must treat employees as they would like that they treat customers. Search for administrative efficiency to meet the company procedures, makes us fall into the trap that the client can exit injured. Processes must then begin by an adequate system in customer service-oriented communication and depending on the client.
Service excellence must illuminate any profession with actions and ideals of service. Any decent Office, by simple, exercised in a spirit of service, meaning full cobra and becomes a source of immense satisfaction. We were created to serve and bear fruit with our talents.