The Texas Business Group

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Certification Body

Certification as a ‘worker UVSV’ directly in the course of the BSA Academy already for several weeks following is the BSA Academy qualification of specialist UVSV”in the program. The staff can perform a sound customer advice around the topic of use of UV irradiation equipment (tanning beds”) after successful completion of the course. The qualification for nurses UVSV”including a certification after the UV Protection Ordinance (UVSV) will be from November 1, 2012 for all operators by UV irradiation equipment mandatory. The necessary certification of persons by the BSA-Zert is now possible directly in the connection to the BSA course. The corresponding accreditation was carried out by the German accreditation body (DAkkS) on 26 September 2012 for the maximum duration of the initial accreditation of five years. The BSA-Zert is one of the first providers for this accreditation.

As one of the first companies, the BSA Academy offers training for nurses UVSV for several weeks”on. The employees qualified with this course must can determine among others the skin type of the customers, as well as perform a qualified training in the use of the apparatus. An individual tanning plan, which includes strength of radiation and duration of tanning sessions must be also created and passed to the customer. From 1 November, the qualifications of the personnel must also be proven by a certification of persons after the UV Protection Ordinance (UVSV). This certification of professionals can immediately be completed the BSA-Zert directly into the connection on the course. Each on the second day of the training of the specialist UVSV BSA-Akademie”, the certification of persons takes place directly in the connection of afternoon.

The BSA-Zert is accredited by the German accreditation body, the official national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany, this certification after the UVSV. This accreditation has been granted the BSA-Zert as one of the first certification authority in this area for a maximum period of five years. With the specialist UVSV”the BSA-Akademie “prepared for legal reform through the qualification Technician UVSV” participants to be enabled to carry out a professional and comprehensible to users consultancy to minimize the health risk by UV irradiation equipment. In addition, the participants learn to make an individual skin type determination, to create an individual dose plan, to make the device settings specified according to the dosing schedule and to recognize technical defects of the equipment. This basic knowledge UV radiation, device customer as well as consultation and advice in the fields. In accordance with 3 UVSV by 20 July 2011 (BGBl.I 2011, no. 37, p. 1412) must provide qualified personnel all companies that operate UV irradiation devices, from November 1, 2012. This must have knowledge of the individual health risk by UV irradiation, as well as for safe handling with UV-irradiation devices and prove them through the certification of a person. The “Qualifying professional UVSV” is the optimal preparation on such certification.

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