The Texas Business Group

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Cabral Joo Social

Death and Severina life, parteXII) the cabralina poetry takes all generation umempasse the following it: the poets go to have that literally to break rock, to crack palavraspara to exert its craft. (RASP, Carlos. 100 years of poetry: umpanorama of the poetry in century XX.

P. 78). According to Jean-Paul Sartre in its book ‘ ‘ What is aliteratura? ‘ ‘ it comments that literature depending on the form as he will be expostapode to engage itself or not. In its opinion it chats only it would have the commitment with social oengajamento. We disagree with this theory of Sartre, therefore the poetry sempreteve support for ideas social politics and, having enrollment or not. We will prove by means of the poem Death and Severina life, part XI, that asconcepes on the existence of the poetry enrollment had existed and exist, ouseja, Sartre if it was deceptive regarding the subject.

We will prove with it I break up dopoema above-mentioned. – Its Jose, carpina master, to cover body of man much water is not necessary: it is enough that it arrives at abdome, is enough that it has equal fundura of its hunger. The poet if distance of the distorted vision of Jean-Paul Sartresobre the fact of only chats it to be compromised to the social enrollment. Ficaevidente with this I break up that the perception of Cabral Joo the respect dosproblemas social is of narrow concern with the related questions realidade and the difficulties to survive with little dignity. We fragmentoconstatamos in it that the pernambucano poet describes the misery situation that muitaspessoas is submitted, proving that the poetry also is committed to oengajamento and the social subjects.

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