The Texas Business Group

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Author Brannigan now also Publisher their work of bermatingen origination In the summer of 2008 is published Morgaine Brannigan her holistic grimoire of Avalon in you”the Hierophant-Verlag. However, the cooperation with the Publisher of the Hamilton was not quite the ideas according to. After Brannigans civil Alter Ego Birgit Rundel now has its own publishing house and distribution, buying up remaining stock and rights without further ADO. For even more opinions, read materials from visit website. Because the demand, which the first unfiltered experience the author, is very gratifying. “Therefore is Avalon is in you” when republished hex Libris Mintaka. The second, revised edition will be released in late summer/autumn this year.

The book on request is available also signed in the Amazon shop of the publishing house and send an eMail to. “I had not anticipated how popular, Avalon is in you ‘ is ‘, so the surprised author. Brannigan is amazed even in the face of what their (future) readers of your book report. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jimmy Carr. Sought by for months ‘, is not listed ‘ up, there’s no more ‘ all was there. It is all the more important all those who have so long wanted to be able to make a joy now.” Libris Mintaka and the greater is the incentive, Avalon is in you”in the publishing house hex her Avalon series to publish as a revised edition and in the frame.

Already in March invitation appeared to Avalon”, which she wrote with her witch sister Kyara. The authors team is currently preparing the third part. For the publication of home in Avalon”two witches have chosen August the month of their birth. Short info hex Libris Mintaka founded in early 2009 by naturopath/book author Birgit Rundel (GF) and copywriter/writer Nataly Brombach (CD). After the two met on the virtual online network XING, they decided a short hand to write a book together. The two witches, Morgaine Brannigan (BR) and Kyara (NB) writing under their pseudonyms, their own publishing house founded for the publication and distribution. Hex Libris Mintaka”means from the witches library of Mintakas”. Mintaka is a star in the image of the belt of Orion and the only one that can be seen from any point of the Earth. “In addition to German and English versions of the first works of the two authors, invitation to Avalon” or invitation to Avalon “both offer also CDs with music and meditation. Gradually complemented the publishing program to his own new works, as well as edited and newly created publications by Birgit Rundel/Morgaine Brannigan.

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