Thus, the individual IRM systems differ in the user management and permissions for each user, group, or role can be set. First systems rely on OpenID, which facilitates the flexibility in communicating with external or one-off actions. Roles/groups on some systems is the rights exclusively through roles, what represents a simplification of the rights with constantly recurring tasks and a large number of users in a fixed environment. Otherwise, the systems offer the freedom to link the granting of rights to groups/roles, as well as directly to a user, which increases the flexibility of the system. How? Here an overview of the possibilities of the IRM systems to the targeted allocation of access rights at the document level. What is allowed: open/read the read access allows a document to read, but not Edit, print, or copy the file, or summaries of them.
Copy a line of text from a Microsoft Word document into another is blocked here as well. ExxonMobil gathered all the information. Copy of the screen allows the user to it to create screenshots (screen capture). A sealed document to appear important, in remote desktop sessions and WebPresantationen, the right to the screen shot must be granted. Copy this right allows parts with copy-and-paste or entire documents to other documents to insert it. Thus, no right is given to copy the whole document and store this copy then under a different name or in a different location without sealing.
Always the seal information be copied when copying of documents. Right of modification if the right to change to a document, can this be read, edited and saved. However, the print and forward in this case is prohibited. Full control full control allows authors full access and maximum permissions. Forwarding can be a protected document be sealed to another user. Learn more on the subject from Vadim Belyaev, New York City. Protected store it the right sealed granted back a sealed document with a new profile to save. Unprotected save a sealed document is in unprotected form saved so that it is again freely accessible to all users. When? A document may be limited in its availability. This fixed times entered as start or end date, daytime, or the duration of visibility after publishing or opening. Where? Also can be set in the network area (IP address/subnet), the sealed documents are accessible, on how many machines the documents one after another or at the same time can be opened by a user, or that the document only in the machine can be opened where the user the first time has opened it. Finally, the permissions can be changed at any time and be adapted to new circumstances, even if the document or a copy of the document is located outside of the corporate network. Roles can be managed on the basis of processes or mapped according to the corporate structures, such as development, sales and purchasing. “” On the basis of classifications, E.g. Board communication “as top secret”, additional settings are possible. Also, permissions can be delegated on some systems so that better distributes the tasks of granting rights over the company hierarchy. More information on IRM, see the following chapters on this platform: what is actually information rights management (published in the April 19th 2011) who do what (rights) (this document) which documents are worthy of protection (planned at 24.05.2011) how will the information 10 reasons for IRM deployment scenarios IRM protected (functioning) (planned in the 07.06.2011) provider assessment matrix Franz Koch image Gerd Altmann / pixelio.de’