Tips To A Practical Video Presentation
The sole function of a capture page is to get the Lead. Here are some basic tips for who seek to increase the rate of conversion into its pages gives capture. 1. On copying the competition. Just because you see a landing page by all sides or a banner, that does not mean that they are making money. People tend to copy the landing pages that often. If everybody copies something that does not work, this could become a falsely viral target page. Even if that page was making him earn money to another person, that does not mean that work to you with your source of traffic, your offer, your list, your prices and you.
2. With regard to the title. The title is of great importance in a PC. The visitor will invest only seconds of real attention (ensures that you between 10 and 7 seconds). If your page title not conquer your attention at that time, they simply do not read the rest.
Use bright colors in the title and quotation marks. For example, the color red is used in conventional signalling; so without realizing we are conditioned to react to him. The quotes give a sense of importance to the signal. 3. About the message; The holder must convey the main benefit that your prospect will receive by visiting your page. Here is where many people fails, because a list of the characteristics of the product or service, is usually done when the visitor is really more interested in the benefits. Stand in the position of the prospectus and ask yourself that there here for me? 4 List of properties: in your landing page unites the characteristics of the product offered with benefits. For example for list bullets, what the greater than people ago is: – this product is cool – is tested and proven – etc when a better option would be:-this product has this feature that benefits (which is cool for you) – this is what that means for you, in terms of benefits purchased – tested benefits are you guaranteed in this way.
About the use of video: If you use a video capture page, don’t forget the AutoPlay video (so start just when the web page is loaded). It also works better if it is placed on the left side, with opt-in to the right. The video has to begin with an introduction that explains what it contains and why you should see it (benefits). The introduction should not take more than 7-10 seconds! 6.Sobre the call to action. Places an arrow pointing to the op-tin. This will not only allow a connection between the copy and the video, if not that emphasis on the importance of filling out the form. Ask you want to obtain. Uses a simple language 7 – about the overall design: last, but not least, don’t forget to keep a clean and professional design. Anything from strange sources, or graphics that diverted attention from the goal that you are persecuting (get data of the) prospect or lead in opt-in). Remember, I know only within the standards of functionality and never assume that someone is making money only because they are seen everywhere.