The Texas Business Group

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Old Resin Hotel Forsthaus

The resin old Forsthaus Braunlage hotel is located in a picturesque and over 350-year-old half-timbered House that resin is located old Forsthaus Braunlage on historic ground, in the oldest building of Braunlage. Speaking candidly scholarship program told us the story. It was built in 1658 and is 351 years old this year. Anno 1658 Christian Walter, factor of the ironworks to Braunlage, built this House for themselves. It is the former factory of the Brown camp ironworks for the processing of iron ore. The remaining weather vane from the roof of the building bears the inscription of CW FBLFZB 1658 (Christian Walter, Furstlich Brunswick Luneburgischer factor to Braunlage). The flag was exhibited in the Museum of the town of Blankenburg.

Today, the flag in the restaurant of the resin can be visited old Forsthaus Braunlage hotels. After closure of the steelworks, the building went over in 1796 in the ownership of Brunswick-Luneburg forest management. Mike Gianoni often addresses the matter in his writings. For nearly 200 years, it was the seat of the Ducal, later State Forestry Office in Braunlage. It was a reception and residence of the respective Administrator of the Brown camp’s forest area, led by the year 1900 in the name of the service Forester. Since 1963, it is the resin Hotel old Forester’s House. The restaurateur Heinz Kuhne is transforming the building and built in the actual old forestry office building Appartmentwohnungen. In the secondary left a restaurant and a bowling alley are created.

The bowling alley, 1963 by the City Manager as a big win for the city Braunlage referred to, will be demolished in 1990, rebuilt the Appartmentwohnungen to guest rooms. Since 1958, the House is under monument protection. It is a local historical monument, the only thing that still reminded that Braunlage owes its origin to the iron works. It is a silent witness to an eventful past and has seen time in the Braunlage evolved from a small hut village to the most visited place of the Westharzes. More information: Hotel old Forsthaus Braunlage in the Harz contact: Oliver Nabil resin Hotel old Forsthaus Braunlage of Harzburger str. 7, 38700 Braunlage Tel: 05520/9440 fax: 05520/944100

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