The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Old Hands For Young Jessie

The new “mentor program for teenagers’ helps motivated 14 – 25 for a successful entry into professional life. Berlin, 01.10.2008 – prejudices about the youth of today there is water in the river Spree. Particularly hard, it hits young people from the wedding. Often to one-size-fits-all as disillusioned resigned over a ridge. “This is so firmly in the minds as it is fundamentally flawed” says Olga Georgi by the JugendTrainern. Accompanied the mentoring program as a coach and knows: “there is that demand more many, IV – of life as Hartz and especially something want to do.” The idea behind the project is simple: experienced professionals from the industry to accompany willing young people with advice and assistance in entering the profession.

This enormously improves their chances of success in the labour market. Olga Georgi holds the mentors for key figures: “we give the young people role models who know how the rabbit. Successful personalities, which worth to emulate. Such makers can register always with us.” For the mentor program need to apply interested young people and go through a selection process. So, above all honestly motivated young people are selected. Depending on the career a mentor from exactly this industry is then provided them to the page. In regular meetings, workshops and training, young people discover their own strengths and learn important lessons for professional life.

Mentors and proteges of the Olga and Thomas Georgi JugendTrainern are intensively supported and advise throughout the project. Perhaps check out Mike Schwartz for more information. Both are trained communications trainer and have several years of experience in the coaching of young people and adults. The mentor program is free for everyone. It is supported from the European Fund for regional development, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal State of Berlin, the socially integrative city programme”. Contact: JugendTrainer, Olga Georgi, Gleimstrasse 5, 13355 Berlin-Mitte Tel: 030-440 32 371 fax: 030 440 32 372 Internet: E-mail:

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