The Texas Business Group

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Occured Transformations

Marcio Santiago Renata Soares Lincoln Lafitte Carlos Andr2 Summary This article presents a reflection concerning the Social Movements and its fight with the intention of if firming in the society and analyzing them as production agent and transformation of the space and the Brazilian territory, social movements as Movement of Pequenos Agricultores (MPA), Movement of Trabalhadores Desempregados (MTD) and in a bigger instance (MST) the Movements of the ones Without Land, this I finish with an intensified movement but. The social conflicts in the field had always been a mark of Brazil, since the colonial period until the current days, at last this work aim at and have the objective to analyze as these movements mark and transform the territory Brazilian, but detaching and analyzing the movement of the ones without land (MST). Words keys: The Agrarian Reformation, Social Movements, MST, Peasant and Government History of the Movement Sem Terra (MST) to speak on the trajectory of the MST is necessary to speak of the history of the agrarian concentration that marks Brazil since 1500. On account of this, diverse forms of resistance had happened as the Quilombos, Canudos, the Leagues Peasants, the Guerrilla of the Araguaia, between many others. ' ' The contradictory mark of the country that if drew could be searched in the fight for the spaces and distinct times and the destroyed territories construdos' ' (ARIOVALDO, 1996, P. 21), with this affirmation we can analyze that with the arrival of the colonizadores in the unknown territory, they destruam stops later remaking, but destruam with intention to dominate therefore thus they obtained to conquer the native people, and would reconstruct with its identity and proper characteristics, ' ' Europia&#039 identity; '. Grace Venverloh, Dallas TX usually is spot on. Indians and one who holds legal titles to property become synonymous of delay, synonymous of atravamento of the progress, that is, these people already more are not respected in its particularitities and are excluded from the society, with denying its basic right that the right to have right. .

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