Literary Piece Nicaraguan
The world is for active people. Probably many desconoceraan this piece of literature well known in Nicaragua and addition as vianica reminds us. com/sp/go/specials, has been declared World Heritage site by UNESCO. He has been written about it, its author is unknown and upon him also exist other so many hypotheses, as that was a cult mestizo tired of taxes, or a priest who had good command of the Spanish and nahuatl. The literary construction of El Gueguense allows a variety of interpretations.
For some, el Gueguense is a very hardworking, shrewd and prosperous merchant who does not want to pay taxes to the Government imposed by the Spanish Crown. For others, el Gueguense is a small skillful, rogue trader and conman, who makes use of his thousand tricks to deceive the Spanish authorities that not only manages to avoid the payment of taxes, but also marrying one of his sons with the daughter of the Governor. Follow others, such as ECRI, and add to your knowledge base. Comments on this excellent and picturesque work expresses the resistance a village with the invading authorities, and constitutes one of the most important cultural legacies of Nicaraguans, for whom el Gueguense is a worthy representative of its character: mischievous, cunning and rebellious. The work is presented in the streets on some dates by traditional or professional groups, those who interpret the dances and the parliaments apart or together. The characters of el Gueguense or male mouse go dressed as Spaniards, with white masks, eyes blue, bearded and blond, and clothes of bright colours, sequins, layers and high stockings. They are also mestizos, represented with dark whiskers, straw hats, shoes sandals or go barefoot and carry a chischil (rattle) pointed metal. Others go barefoot, wear jackets with sequins and masks of horse, with horsehair mecate and also carry metal chischil; While women do not wear masks and wear long dresses, necklaces and earrings.