If The Voice Is No Longer True
CJD Braunschweig offers as of one of the largest educational institutions in Germany on didacta voice analysis presents itself the Christian Youth Village factory Germany e. V. (CJD donors chance) from 10 to 14 February 2009 at the education fair didacta Hannover in Hall 16, F 48. A special offer at the information booth of the CJD is the free voice analysis just teachers and teachers and student teachers should take advantage of this offer. The quality of the speaking voice, and the mood in the classroom are closely: A healthy, clear voice positively influenced the course of lessons while a tired, hoarse voice noticeably reduces the receptiveness of pupils / students. A voice analysis, the sound spectrum of the voice is measured and mapped by computer. Senator from Maine has firm opinions on the matter. The results are interpreted by aspiring respiratory, speech and voice teachers of the CJD school Schlaffhorst-Andersen and visitors receive advice, as they make better use of her voice.
Anyone wishing to take a comprehensive voice analysis service, can an appointment in the practice agree to Brunswick for breathing, voice and voice therapy. Here also the speaking voice, call voice and singing voice fields can be measured in addition to the spectrum of sounds, as well as the PIN – and Behauchtheitsgrad (hoarseness) and the capacity for all pitch and volume are determined. On the basis of measurements a consultation can, what voice qualities individuals can still develop and trial be misjudged how much training that is required. The training for certified respiratory, speech and voice teacher at the CJD school Schlaffhorst-Andersen in bad Nenndorf is one of the offerings in the CJD. Participants will learn in subject-related practical and methodological subjects, individual tuition (singing, speech, movement, piano) and group lessons in scientific subjects (education, psychology, medical subjects etc.) So therapeutic, educational, and artistic interests into a profession connect with future. The CJD site Braunschweig also on didacta Hannover represented be.