The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Henner Liege

There are no bad locations, only sites that are not suitable for any company. Each site has specific conditions that are characterized by E.g. climatic, geographical, socio economic or political conditions. Each company has specific requirements for a site, which depend among other things the product, procurement and sales markets or the investment motive. The site search of a company is nothing more than the best matching the business needs with the site conditions. This actually quite simple process is only complicated by the large number of potential sites, the variety and wide range of site conditions and the diversity and needs of site requirements specification. Is to compare the potential locations usually each site compared with all other potential sites.

This so-called pairwise comparison, the number of comparisons performed is calculated according to the formula n. Be investigated accordingly 10 locations, making 45 pairwise comparisons are 100 locations should be compared with each other, already 4.950 pairwise comparisons are carried out. Research on this subject have shown that man not capable of is to investigate far more than 10 alternates in this manner. If only E.g. 15 sites suitability be checked so 1,500 potential site regions in Europe, is the statistical probability of finding a suitable location to only 1%. The location is to the lottery and the expenses which usually operated for a site search and the probability of success are all economically reasonable proportion. With familiar tools, the 1,500 regions of Europe are so definitely not to investigate.

This is possible only with mathematical methods. Today most cost-benefit analysis and point rating models used in a systematic search of the site. In addition to the discussed disadvantage, to be able to examine all potential sites, subjective influences of the user’s incorporated already at the beginning of the analysis in the form of commercial valuation. This leads to results, which no longer can be distinguished, which part of the result on facts and figures and what part of the result is based on perhaps a subjective valuation. A site search has to offer also room to take into account subjective factors can based E.g. on a particular philosophy. However, it must be clearly visible at any time of analyzing where stops the objectivity by data given in a decision and where begins the subjectivity that is specified by a particular philosophy of the company. To be able to cater for the specific needs of a company on a site Requirements as far as are specified as possible. If continue to facts, so data rather than estimates are to be incorporated in the site search, this requires a variety of factors and variables for which market research data must be collected. Following conclusions follow from the previously described requirements for a Standortsuchverfahren: an analysis is required, the checks… simultaneously all potential sites testing using facts, market research data, makes the specific business needs through a variety of possible factors and site variables into account. This type of analysis must be used. From all regions of Europe the site regions using mathematical statistical methods appropriate for the respective company must in the market research data, enter, be determined. It must be inserted a truly demand-oriented site selection procedure, a procedure that focused strictly on the needs of companies and the Site search is considered not only from the perspective of some specified locations. Henner Liege

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