Giving continuity on our study on complexes of the human being, today we present a rare quality that many times if become in complex: stingy superiority. It has many people who possess an ability all special one to possess the quality of being highest, the maioral, the superiority. They know to direct and to treat human beings as human beings. Read more will not settle for partial explanations. On the other hand the ones exist that never could nor direct horses, when more men. It is of that we go to speak now. In a bus of the company the Northwest it has a message made in small letters for the side of inside, in the following terms: ' ' It does not obey who does not have the right of mandar' '. I was very curious and thinking the meaning of this message and thought there with my buttons: ' ' it does not obey who does not know mandar' ' , he would be optimum. This yes, would be better that to another one.
To the times she is a person whom has great ability to fight with people and we make exactly what these people ask for or order and many times nor we complain. Already another one happens the opposite in this. When a person does not know to order, wants to order in everything in all, to the times, to only have the taste to order, of being called the good one, the superior. These people are complexadas or them they had never had and nor they had been nothing, or they want to appear itself, or they do not possess a little of psychology human being. To the times the lack of love and understanding also go to influence in the superiority sense. They do not think a bit about the others, only think about them, the others are enslaved and have always the right to obey exactly finding wrong or not accepting the idea.