Can You Work Under Pressure?
This question came in a written employment examination. But, what is working under pressure? As you know there are two types of sound pressure and the other not so good. Good: In which the firm gives you aim to achieve, together with the media on request. The bad: It is where an organization wants to cover the mess, and the sense of "urgency", with orders outside of skill and more outside of "logic." Example: We need 10 people to the area of file, urgent. This should be for the day tomorrow. Question: Can you meet this emergency?. Much depends on its ability to respond to the immediate supervisor, informing him of the limitations of this order.
If despite that this person replied: "I want it yesterday." What would you do?. The result is a way to work stress. I want to stress Mention yesterday. What is that?. It is an inappropriate response to situations in which there is no "proper weapons" to cope. Reactions of indole emotional, physical and even behavioral accompany this poor response.
When is a constant when illogical decision becomes a weapon that leaves no limits and work: An executive receives employment contracts for approval, are more than 200. In Peru, labor contracts must be countersigned by the Ministry of Labour maximum up the fifteenth calendar day, counted from its conclusion. The executive knows, and expects to make his decision to sign up to that last day. It may think it is a special situation is not so.