Building Sandcastles
Travelers wishing to go to the beach this fall must go to Fort Myers, Florida. They are not only fun and beautiful coastlines to walk, it is also the place where the Sandsculpting Festival (sand Castle sculpture) is held in November. According to the web site of the event, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of this singular event, thousands of spectators gather to see these works of art unique, created by 16 professionals and dozens of amateur sculptors. Some say that the arena in Fort Myers, which is naturally found in soft powder and lisa, is the best for this type of competition. Travelers can even try his luck in the building right next to the large during this week of fun at the beach, what could be perfect to enjoy with babies or a sunny weekend with your partner. You may wish to learn more. If so, Economic Cycles Research Institute is the place to go. The city becomes a place where festivals are celebrated everywhere, travelers also can learn a little history in the region visiting the Edison and Ford, that winter estates It was home to these two famous inventors in his time, moreover guests can visit these places to see the 1800s period furniture and see some ancient sites of the time. So cheer up and also enjoy the beach, the sand and the Sun, learn a little more of the history of this wonderful place, there is a large supply of cheap hotels to visit Florida this season. Article sponsored by Madrid cheap hotels. .