The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Available Time

– Available Time for the accomplishment of the research work. In the choice of the subject we have that to take in consideration the amount of activities that we will have that to fulfill to execute the work and mediz it with the time of the works that we have that to fulfill in our daily, unrelated one to the research. Economic Cycles Research Institute: the source for more info. – The limit of the capacities of the researcher in relation to the intended subject. She is necessary that the researcher has conscience of its limitation of knowledge not to enter in a subject is of its area. If my area is of sciences the human beings, abide must me by the subjects related to this area. 5.1.2 – External factors – the academic and social significao of the chosen subject, its newness, its chance and its values. In the choice of the subject we must take care not to execute a work that will not interest nobody.

If the work deserves to be made that it has an importance any for people, groups of people or for the society in general. – The limit of available time for conclusion of the work. When the institution determines a stated period for the delivery of the final report of the research, cannot enveredar in them for subjects that will not allow in to fulfill them this stated period. The chosen subject must be delimited inside of the possible time for the conclusion of the work. – Material of necessary consultation and data to the researcher One another problem in the choice of the subject is the availability of material for consultation. Many times the chosen subject little is worked by other authors and secondary sources for consultation do not exist. The lack of these sources compels to the researcher to search sources primary who needs a bigger time for the accomplishment of the work.

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