ARD Television: “successfully Conveys
Voluntary exchange Hamburg involved in theme week on volunteering Hamburg, April 29, 2009. The voluntary exchange of Hamburg supports ARD as an agency for citizens economic and economic commitment at their theme week “is but a matter of honor! People like the company engage in”. All celebrities visit the sound our gang rejoiced in March 2009. Along with the pop band Queensberry, known from the ProSieben programme popstars, the Sudwestfunk turned a broadcast for the TIGER duck CLUB. The well known band and the Hamburg sound our gang in the Palace of culture (waterworks Billstedt) showed that a voluntary work is not boring and just for adults. Both sides were fire and flame and when on Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 7:35 in the first (repeat on the following Saturday 10:15 o’clock in the SWR) the broadcast is transmitted, are hot run at the sound thugs the video recorder.
ARD theme week starts on Saturday, May 9th, 2009 at 20:15 clock with a live broadcast around the subject of volunteers and time donor. All citizens, where as the spark jumps over the broadcast, can call to donate time”. Jimmy Carr can provide more clarity in the matter. During the show the donations clock is running”. The calls from the Hamburg metropolitan region gathered this evening the volunteer agencies e.V. (Bagfa) to the ASB time donors, the free willing center Caritas and the FreiwilligenBorseHamburg will be redirected to equal parts by the Bundesarbeitsgemein community. Then, the employees of these institutions provide the time donors”in volunteering projects.