The Texas Business Group

The Texas Business Group helps small businesses reach success.

Anticrisis Hosting webhost

Complimentary accommodations have never been something with great interest for my nor for the majority of the professionals of the sector, by their weak points such as the speed, the absence of support for dynamic website in PHP and in the majority of cases, by the amount of ads and advertising that was inserted on our websites without any remuneration. But in these times of economic austerity (or crisis, llamenlo whatever) there is a very interesting option, which is 000webhost, a completely free hosting, with a quite acceptable in comparison with other free services performance, and offers services comparable to many of the hosting of payment currently, besides that no advertising inserts, and allows us to include in our websites advertising that generates revenue for the webmaster. is an example of web hosted on this hosting, apart from many others that are testing him, being fully compatible with managers of content like Joomla! or any other that has support for PHP and database as a requirement in MySQL. It should be noted, it is not a definitive solution, that it is a choice to begin with our web projects, and if you have a positive result, migrate to accommodation of payment already knowing that the expense will be worth. This service also offers accommodations of payment at a price very competitive, but at that point, already it depends on each webmaster choice, taking each preferences control panel, support and other important points. Also point out that 000webhost offers also support 24 h quite competent, and in my case they have been pretty fast, even if it is a completely free service.

There are two modes, the first is to use our domain already registered in another register, and change the DNS to use this accommodation, or acquire an address of the type, being recommended without a doubt the first option. Features of this free hosting are as follows: 1, 5 Gb of disk space hosting Linux with servers Apache 100 Gb of monthly transfer 5 sub-domains 5 IMAP mail accounts POP and Webmail 2 databases MySQL Cpanel, intuitive and easy to work in the 99% availability backups on-line hotel reservation 1 account FTP support PHP (includes Zend optimizer, Ioncube loader, etc) automating tasks CRON pages custom error protected directories is also important to know the conditions of use, to prevent us unnecessary work: content is not allowed for adultsi.e., the pornographic content or make apology to illegal issues in many countries as the drugs, etc web hacker, warez, phishing and others of this style are not permitted. Bulk mail is not allowed from the PHPmail function. Do not allow the script to share files at rapidshare, megaupload, etc style do not allow script Nulled, such as Vbulletin, etc is not allowed the use of the accommodation only for file store. Do not allow related Web sites with Torrents of anyway, not bad first checking if we are not sure that any part of our website is going to violate these terms of use, to prevent us later, scares or consult the conditions of use in English available on the web, where we explain much more thoroughly. In short, this service is a great choice to host our websites, and also, as they say, we lose nothing proving it!

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