Alternative Bridges
An interesting phenomenon if of the one with certain mannering minorities. They form its tribes, other people’s to the fabric social macro, creating, thus, alternative societies. Until there all good, since that it does not have invasion of the space of nobody. The also more controversial case most common and is of that they adopt the homosexual behavior. One is not to geographic villages, but about behavior, as it said. Contrary to the traditionally accepted values for the common sense, live its idiosyncrasies on behalf of the freedom.
If to act them thus apraz, all good, makes that it. The problem starts when not satisfied to be as they are, plead the allowance of the society. When they search, forceing consciences, to establish as normal something that if was, nor would lack lawsuit some. Gods invoke even though and the Bible, saying that It is love, and accepted all. It happens that true concepts divorced the context, can become false; ' ' A good thing is not good is of its lugar.' ' It warned Spurgeon. We know that God is love, that also accepted all; however, in which conditions? ' ' The mpio leaves its way, and the malignant man its thoughts.
It is become you that it will be felt sorry of it, becomes for our God, therefore huge it is in perdoar.' ' (Is 55; 7) mpio E, is all that one whose behavior destoa of the Word of God. In the truth we have alternative communities until ' ' evanglicas' ' ; either of naturistas, either of gays. The priesthood, the mediation between the man and God, resembles it a bridge; which, starting in the edge human being, transposes the abyss of the death, touching to the eternity, the salvation. how much to these, (the priests) the Bible says: ' ' Nobody takes pra itself this honor seno the calls for God, as it was Aro.' ' (Heb 5; 4) However, any one can start a bridge, and same to build it, in part; the problem is to arrive at the other edge.