Albert Schweitzer Foundation
Wietze: Grounds for mega slaughterhouse will be given forcibly in Wietze to be a slaughterhouse for chickens with a capacity of 2.592.000 slaughtered chickens per week. Since May of this year, opponents of the slaughterhouse occupied the land. At the time, about 200 police clear the area. The activists are chained on three towers on slabs, on the ground and in a bunker. You want to use any force, but not voluntarily leave the area. When policy and management to promote such amazing projects, each responsible citizens on the barricades must go.
This includes also the violent occupation of the land, lawyer Wolfgang Schindler, is President of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment, on the side of the activists. The Foundation looks one of the animal-quaelerischsten forms of farming in chicken feed, because the animals on to fast muscle growth are bred, that their skeletons and organs are overwhelmed. Today’s Poultry is the epitome of the animal factories: 25 tale animals are crammed together on one square meter, and even the chickens that do not collapse under their own weight, can move almost to the end of the mast due to the oppressive narrowness, closes Schindler. The Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment continues for ten years against the industrialized farming and promotes the vegetarian diets. More information on Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment Saeed Park 5 10715 Berlin contact: Mahi Klosterhalfen Tel.: 030 86 39 16 59 mobile: 0178 46 46 244 that non-profit Albert Schweitzer was the Foundation for our environment founded in 2000 by lawyer Wolfgang Schindler as a politically and religiously unbound animal welfare organization. It is financed from the proceeds of the Endowment capital and funding contributions and donations. The Foundation takes its name from Rhena Schweitzer, the Daughter of Albert Schweitzer.
The Foundation Mission is to reduce as much suffering. Therefore set the Foundation for the so-called animals a. With 60 billion animals are every year under the most unimaginable conditions cost-optimized fattened and killed, the commitment to these animals is the biggest task, can be. The Albert Schweitzer works Foundation, to improve housing conditions, as well as to cut back on the uberzuchtung (torment breeding) animals. They also Stark the vegetarian idea because no farming the Foundation is known, that species could be called really.